

(yes, I mean the temperature)
Ok, so I don't know about anyone else, but going from 70 to 100 in a week makes my body a little crazy!
Wednesday I attempted to do a 10 mile TT up Weber canyon...and after getting 2 bloody noses, hyperventilating 3 times and getting sick, I was finally on my way back home.  Feeling like I did, I knew I had to hydrate, even though it would mean emptying my only source of fluids.  Thankfully, my body has become very efficient at cooling itself, so I was able to make the 10 more miles to a gas station.  Mistakenly I filled my bottle with soda water - I never thought soda water could taste SO GOOD!  By the time I made it home, I was starting to feel a little better - an ice bath and recovery drink later I almost felt like myself again!

So, of course the next day I thought I would be fine running hill repeats since I had acclimated...right!  Yeah, good thinking Barkley...
I felt really good and saw I was running my warm-up way too fast, so tried to slow myself down or I knew I would pay for it later.  After a little over 3 miles, I was good and warm, to say the least.  After my first hill, I began to question my sanity.  On the way back down, I had a sit down with myself to in order to find my motivation to continue.  Could I do this?  Was it worth it?  Would my body make me pay for it later?  After a couple of minutes, I was ready to go again...I refused to let myself quit! 
#2 and #3 were right on track.  Unfortunately in the middle of my 4th and final interval, my body finally caught on..my stomach started to cramp a little and I decided to back off my pace and coast to the top, after-all I still had a long ways to go before I was home.
My trip home, was a walk/jog and even then, my heart rate fluctuated between 150-160.  1/2 way between my hill and home is a Starbucks - I stopped in for a water and to call for help. Unfortunately my ride was out on a bike ride, but fortunately the water was enough to get me home!  I would take a sip, then pour some of the icy water down my back then down my front - a pattern I repeated until I finally made it home.
Not sure if I'm glad I did the work-out, but I am glad that I didn't quit!

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