
Snot Rocket

This winter I have had the priveledge of increasing my outdoor riding due to improved weather conditions, better winter riding gear and a re-kindled relationship with my mountain bike.  A few weeks ago I was riding with someone that typically spends all winter riding indoors - they commented on how incredible it was that their body could produce so much snot.  I couldn't agree more!!!  This Sunday, while pseudo enjoying my solo ride in the rain, I decided to try and actually count how many snot-rockets it takes to get through a 2 hour ride.  Sadly, I lost count...but for the first 20 minutes I counted 10, if that pattern held true, I would estimate 60.  Which, of course begs the question, how is it possible to produce that much snot?!?!  Seriously.


Ride "like the wind"

How does that saying apply when riding with a head wind?  
Today was a good day of training, and I say that because I like hard days!  
I'm glad there are people that continually put my abilities in perspective.  Being strong at the bike leg of a triathlon is completely different than being a strong cyclist...thanks for the reminder guys ;)
One thing that I realized today was how grateful I am to have friends and family that push me not only to be a stronger athlete, but to be a stronger person.  For some reason I come up with crazy theories when out in the country with noone around for miles.  Today's theory is that they wouldn't push me if they didn't have faith that I could do it, or get there eventually.  If they really cared about me, that is...right?!?!
So THANK you for your faith in me - and I promise I will keep working to get there, even if it takes a while.

That being said - today is a special day because I also have a trivia question.  What makes a 3 1/2 hour ride with a head wind both ways better?

Stay tuned for the answer...



Good news - I had a fantastic swim today :) 3100 yards - and hit all my goals!