
Take care of you

As a "fitness professional" I can't tell you how many times a day I preach to others about the necessity of taking care of themselves.  So why is it the last thing on my list for myself!?  UGH!

This time of year it seems there is an especially greater amount of pressure due to the large influx of individuals determined to make a change in their lives for good.  Of course, I know the odds of how many people will likely stick their goals or "resolutions" and I'm determined to beat the odds!  I want to show people they CAN do it, and am willing to sacrifice as much of my time and resources as needed.  But there is a limit to what even I can take.  Yes, I absolutely L.O.V.E. what I do, but my current strategy of spending every waking hour ensuring that hundreds of individuals receive a customized plan  for success, is wearing on me a bit.  Time to get real!

This week, I took a gigantic deep breath and took a dose of my own medicine.  Yes, I'm still WAY behind, but I've accepted that it's okay to get a little behind 5% of the time...no, it's not 100%, but it's still an A.

I know how much time it requires for me to take care of myself (kind of a lot #highmaintenance), so it's scheduled.  If you don't already do this, please do it for yourself...especially if it doesn't come natural to you.  Just in one day of practicing this, my level of output increased dramatically and I feel like myself again - whew!  It really is true that if you take care of YOU, there it's a lot easier to have the energy to give to others.  I know, it's not a new concept, but some things are easier said than done.  Ok, off to Yoga and then work.

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